Snapshots from the daily life at the Boarding House
Theological Boarding House for Male Students
Residing in this School are 50 students of the School of Theology - domestic, expatriates and foreigners, many of which have acquired scholarships from the Church of Greece or the Ministry of the Exterior. During its fifty-year-old operation (1951-2000), it delivered approximately 1600 Theologians to the Church worldwide.
Deputy director: The Very Revd. Archimandrite Polikarpos Kastizas.
Supervisor: Ioannis Vlahosotirios.
Staff: Aikaterini Gavriil, Helen Tsiliagianni, Maria Kavouropoulou
Night guards: Artour - Michail Papanagiotou.
email: oikotrofeio@apostoliki-diakonia.gr
(tel. +30 210 5612345, fax +30 210 5613360).
Address: 42, El. Venizelos and Papaflesa str.
P. Code.: 123 51 Agia Varvara, ATTICA
The B. House is located next to the Church of Saint (Agia) Varvara.
Metro line 3 (Blue), Agia Marina Station
Bus Line: N# 837, Athens- Agia Varvara
Start point of the bus line: Behind of the Saint (Agios) Constantine Church in Omonia. The bus station is located at Menandrou Street.